Library Journal - Google in the Academic Library
Carol Tenopir weighs in from the academic perspective.
And this I love, from a detractor:
While graduate students and faculty still need the commercial systems, undergraduates may find all they want on Google Scholar, at least with regard to science and medical topics.
And this I love, from a detractor:
Karen Blakeman, director, RBA Information Services, "would like to see a list of sources" included. Her experiences with Google Scholar have been disappointing because of missing power search features: a consistent, controlled vocabulary (or even access to vocabularies that exist in NLM-PubMed records); the ability to search on fields like ISBN; and sorting by publisher, author, or dates.How many of your students are lamenting the lack of these features?
Though studentsCheap wow goldin addition to school still want the commercial techniques, undergraduates might discover many they want online University student, a minimum of with regards toBuy rs gold scientific research and professional medical matters.
Anonymous, at 12:30 AM
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