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Columbia Spectator Online - So You Want to Google Your Thesis?
Rahul Krishnan, CC ’08, has used the new service, and said that the citation-based ranking system makes Google Scholar “a more scholarly way” of searching than using CLIO or LibraryWeb. “The results I’ve come up with seem really good,” he said. “It’s like any other databases that are there on Columbia’s Web site, but it brings [results] all together. I think that in the future I’ll be using that a lot.”
Good that that finally got your attention in finding the solution.
andrea from casque scooter
andrea, at 1:04 AM
It's good to hear that you have a good experience so far while using Google scholar. Maybe you are right on some part but none is perfect so, improvement is a must.
Unknown, at 1:19 PM
It is good Cheap D3 items to listen for that you have a good encounter thus far when using the Google undergraduate. Are you upon several element but none of them is ideal thus, enhancementGW2 items is essential.
Anonymous, at 2:53 AM
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