Wonky WorldCat results
One of the problems I've noticed with some of the Open WorldCat records that are turning up in Scholar is that some amount of FRBR-like de-duping is taking place. Unfortunately, the copy that is floating to the top in many instances is the Audiobook.
For example, a search in WorldCat for the book Moneyball reveals 5 print editions (two of which are foreign language, one of which is a large print edition and the other twoseem to my (non-cataloger) eyes to be bad authority work are the hardcover and paperback editions) and 5 audio versions (an Audible record, two cassettes and two cd's - more bad authority work(?)).
A Google Scholar search returns one record. But it happens to go directly to one of the Books on Tape records. I wonder how many people are using the request feature without paying very much attention and being a bit surprised when they are handed a cd from the Circ. Desk.
For example, a search in WorldCat for the book Moneyball reveals 5 print editions (two of which are foreign language, one of which is a large print edition and the other two
A Google Scholar search returns one record. But it happens to go directly to one of the Books on Tape records. I wonder how many people are using the request feature without paying very much attention and being a bit surprised when they are handed a cd from the Circ. Desk.
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